Taliban bans music in cars and women without veils

In Afghanistan, the ruling hardline Islamic Taliban movement has ordered drivers not to play music in their cars.They also ordered restrictions on the traffic of female passengers.Women who do not wear Islamic headscarves should not be taken away, as stated in a letter to motorists from the Ministry of Virtue Protection and Prevention.
The ministry’s spokesperson, Muhammad Sadiq Asif, confirmed the directive on Sunday.It is not clear from the arrangement what the veil should look like.Usually, the Taliban don’t understand that this means covering their hair and neck, but instead wears a robe from head to toe.
The directive also advises drivers not to bring women who wish to drive more than 45 miles (about 72 kilometers) without a male companion.In this message also circulated on social media, the driver was instructed to take a prayer break and so on.She said she should advise people to grow beards.
Since regaining power, Islamists have greatly restricted women’s rights.In many cases, they cannot return to work.Most girls’ secondary schools have closed.The street protests of militants were violently suppressed.Many people have fled the country.

Post time: Dec-28-2021